Benefits for Mentees:
Personal and Professional Growth

Through mentoring, Mentees can:

  • Clarify/visualize their career path and analyze their professional and/or personal development and growth
  • Receive feedback and support from their Mentor
  • Receive advice on how to increase their confidence and how to confront challenges
  • Mentees are responsible for being committed, engaged, and staying motivated throughout the program, and for striving to achieve the goals set at the start of the program

To further increase the benefits for Mentees, PWN Vienna continually strives to increase the strength of its program. In the 2024/2025 session we will support our Mentees by:

  • Creating a Mentee community for networking and connecting
  • Provide workshops and other educational events dedicated to supporting the Mentees during their learning and development process
  • Offer continuous support from the Mentoring Coordination Team for the mentoring relationship and process

Application Deadline

Before you apply, please make sure you will have time to participate in the program. To fully benefit, you need to be available for at least one meeting per month, in addition to the time necessary to work on reaching your goals. Motivation, engagement, and dedication to the program are crucial for successful mentoring.

  • Application Deadline for Mentors and Mentees: Sunday, 15 September 2024 Exended Deadline to September 20, 2024!
  • Kick-Off Meeting (Mandatory!): Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Application FORM

Please send your CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to complete your application. Mentees will have a personal interview with the coordination team. Selected Mentees will receive a confirmation by October 16th, 2024.


Super Early Bird Special!

For applications until July 31st, 2024:

  • 50% discount on the mentoring fee - pay 50 Euro instead of regular 100 Euro.
  • Be eligible to access an Exclusive workshop: “Inner voice, outer strength: Transforming negative self-talk” with Viktorija Jordanovska, Personal Development Trainer and Coach

Early Bird Special!

for applications until August 15th, 2024:

  • Be eligible to access an Exclusive workshop: “Inner voice, outer strength: Transforming negative self-talk” with Viktorija Jordanovska, Personal Development Trainer and Coach.


A PWN VIENNA PREMIUM Membership is a requirement for joining the Mentoring Program.

Premium membership gives you access not only to the Mentoring Program, but also free participation at our Linkup & Learn events, our Leadership Workshops and networking with other PWN members, and access to discounts from our local partners.

Click here to join now or renew your Membership! For question about renewing or applying for the premium membership, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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